Centre de recherches juridiques
de Franche-Comté (UR 3225)

La transaction internationale/International Settlement

in Arbitrage, médiation et amélioration du climat des affaires

Filali Osman (dir.)

« Justice and peace embrace (I am not saying emblaze). Like a daunting joy, I do receive the honor and the burden of being able to follow […] the very diverse paths that usher justice to peace, despite the clashing interests and the violent passions, despite the fire on Earth” (author translation). Over the last few years, the judicial warfare is conducted through other methods. Promoted in Europe and the world, Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) fosters the development of a negotiated private justice, which advocates dialogue rather than confrontation. Alternative devices of litigation procedures, the amicable resolution methods therefore reinvent conflict management through the various mechanisms that are: arbitration, conciliation, mediation, participatory process, and settlement.

Revue de droit des affaires internationales/International Business Law Journal, n°6
décembre 2019
p. 613-628.