Centre de recherches juridiques
de Franche-Comté (UR 3225)

Propos conclusifs sur la contribution des MARD à l’amélioration du climat des affaires dans les pays de l’Union pour la Méditerranée/Concluding remarks on the contribution of ADR methods to the improvement of the business climate ine the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean

in Arbitrage, médiation et amélioration du climat des affaires

Filali Osman (dir.)

The conference, of which I have the honour to ensure the scientific leadership, takes place in Algeria, a country to which I am emotionally attached. However, today it is one of the MENA countries that has introduced judicial mediation in its law along with arbitration. More specifically, the Law of 25 February 2008 on the Code of Civil and Administrative Procedure (Official Gazette No.23, 2008) introduces Book V dedicated to alternative dispute resolution methods. Based on the observation that the judge is not always able to ensure due process in due time, in particular with respect to commercial matters, the new Code provides for three alternative dispute resolution methods: conciliation, mediation and arbitration.

Revue de droit des affaires internationales/International Business Law Journal, n°6
décembre 2019
p. 803-830.